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CNY 2018

Balik kampung as usual. So happy to be home. Musa 8 months and Ismail dah 9 months.

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Eight month

Dah lapan bulan. Cepat sangat masa berlalu. It isnt easy people!! I have sleepless night. Badan sakit-sakit sebab sometimes Musa so manja taknak tidur sendiri. So 8.5kg Musa slept on top of me. Bila letak, nangis. Bila letak, nangis. That is the bonding moment for us kan.

Dear Musa, sorry sebab mama selalu balik lambat. Worklife really hectic. Masuk keje 8.30 balik 10 malam. Ada yang balik 1 pagi. Cant wait for the year end to finish. Hope everything will be good. Masa ni la baru nak start balik. Belajar banyak giler benda baru. Buat banyak giler benda yang tak pernah buat. Tapi ni yang aku decide nak buat walhal ada banyak je choice untuk buat benda yang simple. Yang boleh datang pukul 8 balik 5.15. Aarghh. I am so selfish i think. This is the thing that i really wanted to. Challenge accepted. Sekejap je. Another year should be way better.

Musa manja mama, sorry sebab weekend pun mama selalu takde sebab pergi kelas. Just cant wait fot the EMBA to be over. I really struggle to finish this but i will. The recent result, syukur alhamdulillah. The pointer is way high than expected.

Dear hubs, sorry sebab so little time i spend for you. Thank you for being my number one supporter. Sometimes bila i down or exhausted, u always calm me down and advice me. Oh yes, still i got flowers on 14 Feb. Bukan satu tapi dua. Suka nak buat surprise macam ni. Satu i dah expect. Dua? Never. Haha

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Sorry Musa

12.47 am.. baru lepas makan nasi lauk asam pedas mak dan juga apam balik. Ya i know it is too late for the dinner. At the moment, workload kat office is too much. Been working like this for the past few months. Hari-hari balik lambat. Kesian Musa. But after all, i am feel grateful sebab Tok Mak and rest of family jaga Musa baik2 . Besides, i am so happy dengan nursery.

Seriously sometimes rasa macam sedih sangat sebab tak boleh spend masa dengan Musa. I feel so jealous to those mom yang boleh balik awal.

Sebab i am in a new position, so many new things nak pick up. Dah la first time buat, tak familiar so i need extra time compared to the past people that handle the job.

Sokay, anyway Musa dah 7bulan. Alhamdulillah semoga sihat selalu , jadi anak yanh bail, soleh, bijak pandai.. etc. the wish is so long:)

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Second visit to hospital

Just cant wait to know what is Musa’s weight. Bila pegang sampai kebas tangan. Some of his shirt pun dah tak muat lagi. How time flies. So yesterday we went to kpj. 

Muka kerut-kerut macam tau-tau je nak kene inject. Haha. 

So at 2 months 10 days, he is healthily 6.35 kg. Increased by 3 kg compare masa lahir. 

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Musa tidur lama sikit hari ni. Bolot bolot dengan selimut. Plus dah penat jalan setengah hari hantar tok mak tok abah pegi tabung haji kelana jaya.

 Next week nak start kerja dah. Inilah dilema mak-mak.

Im gonna miss him a lot. Kesian half of his day dengan someone else. Sorry sangat 😦
Love u loads


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First sem, done

Hari ni MC. Lemau seh. Doktor cakap demam, tapi tak rasa pun demam. Yang rimas ni, selesema batuk tak stop2. Sabar je lah. Ngam2 lepas final exam, terus demam. Perghhh. If buat demam masa final, memang sedih habis. That week memang pack giler. Lepas balik kerja at 9pm terus sambung study group. Tak fresh dah. Mandi dah expired. Tapi nak buat macam mana. Kalau balik rumah terus, pastu study sorang-sorang, baru dua tiga page, confirm tido.  Anyway, pressure exam takla seteruk masa ACCA. Tapi bila tengok kawan-kawan lain semangat bagai, takkan la nak dok diam je kan. Semua commit giler2. Power2. Hopefully boleh stay with the same people sampai habis. Almost every week jumpa, tapi mana nak sempat borak2. Masa lunch je la pun. Ni takde la nak lepak sebelum selepas kelas macam dulu. Anyway, sambung MBA ni interesting walaupun penat. Sebab banyak benda baru belajar. Pastu banyak discussion. More on open ended questions yang tak ada betul salah. Tapi sebab kerja, penat jugakla. Takpe sacrifice kejap je pun. Pejam celik, ni dah habis satu sem. Weekend ni nak balik kampung. yeheayyy. Nak makan banyak-banyak.